Find your size

1. T8 uses Asian sizes! If you have big thighs and prefer to wear your clothes a little looser or are between two sizes, then order one size up.

2. Ladies who prefer to wear their shorts a little wider can try the men's version of the T8 sherpas. Conversely, we recommend that men who like to wear their clothes tight simply try the women's version!

3. Pull your Sherpas over your belly button - grandpa style! - then tie the drawstring tight and pull it down over your hips for minimum bounce. Inside and outside slits allow it to be tied inside or outside the waistband.

Was andere über T8 sagen

"Bottom line: New favorite item. By far!"

Trail Magazin

"Our new favorite shorts"

Laufzeit Magazine

"...the only thing that bothers me is that I only have one pair"

Philipp Jordan (Fatboysrun)

"...the running shorts fully convinced us"

Introducing T8

In this video we introduce the T8 Sherpa and Commandos in more detail.